Invoice Filtering

Mailform is the easiest way to print and mail your QuickBooks invoices, right from your computer. For customers with a large number of invoices, Mailform lets you page through your invoices to find the specific invoice you're looking for. If you are looking for a specific invoice, you can enter it in the Filter input field, and the currently displayed invoices will be filtered by name, address and invoice number.

If the invoice you're looking for is not in the current page, an option will appear to let you search your QuickBooks account for the invoice: the search is limited to the invoice number for perfornance and availability reasons (this is a limitation of the programming interface provided by QuickBooks to integrations).

If a matching invoice is found, it will be displayed. Click the Clear Search button to return to the full invoice list.

Happy mailing, and thanks once again for using Mailform!